April is many things — tax season, spring, the beginning of a new quarter for many companies — but did you know it’s also Stress Awareness Month?
If your job is stressing you out—or if you’re looking for a new one— I can help.
In this month’s newsletter, how to spring clean your career efforts, an updated take on fancy resumes, and the idea of a dry promotion. Read on.
Time to Spring Clean Your Career Efforts
Spring is a great time to scour your house, and it is also the season to freshen up your career goals and prepare. Consider…
Updating your brand docs
Your resume, CV, LinkedIn profile, and any other docs you use when you’re looking for a new role or simply polishing your professional presence
Clean up your digital footprint
Google yourself. Where are the problem spots?
Refreshing your network
Clear out old contacts, reach out to people you haven’t talked to in a while, and consider who else you might connect with on LinkedIn.
Audit your skill sets.
Where are there gaps and places you could learn more this year?
What you look like on the outside counts when you’re looking for a new job. Even if you’re not currently searching, taking a little time every year to attend to your professional appearance will pay dividends.
An Updated Take on Fancy Resumes
“Brylye, is it best to go old-school with my resume? Or add some flair?”
Honestly, as a recruiter, my opinion has changed over time. While a few years ago I may have said, “Keep it clean and professional,” and discouraged adding any sort of visual elements or graphics, more and more, I see resumes that are indeed jazzed up with flair — graphics, color blocks, interesting layouts.
A recent poll by Canva backs this up (although their visual-design automation platform certainly has some skin in the game): 71% of hiring managers they polled expect text-only resumes to go extinct in the next five years.
However, there’s one thing I do not recommend: a photo of yourself on your resume. I am sure you are quite good-looking! However, a headshot increases the risk of profiling accusations, and for that reason, recruiters and hiring managers may avoid your résumé.
Instead of a selfie, consider using a graphical template (Canva is just one option) and color and other simple graphics to make it eye-catching. But also make sure you keep it professional, clean, and sleek.
Should You Take a Dry Promotion?
You get a new job title — and way more responsibility — but not a corresponding raise. It’s called a “dry promotion.” So should you take it?
You might expect me to say “never,” but the reality is raises aren’t in the forecast at every company right now. In a recent poll by compensation consultant Pearl Meyer, 13% of employers think it’s a perfectly fine idea to reward employees with new job titles if they don’t have financial raises in the budget. That percentage is up from 8% just six years ago.
If you’re not going to get a raise, a new title and role might still be a valuable addition to your résumé.
Of course, your personal experience at this job, and your intuition, matter in the equation, too. If your gut is telling you you’re being taken advantage of, it’s wise to listen and move on.
Confused? Always feel free to contact me when you’re ready to start your job search and want feedback on your resume.
Brylye Collins
Rose Talent Consulting